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Guaranteed quality
Wine dispenser system

The wine by the glass is served at a perfect temperature by the Wineemotion wine dispenser system, guaranteeing maximum hygiene standards thanks to its dispenser cleaning device.

Waste reduction
Wine dispenser system

It is a matter of fact that once opened, the wine in a bottle is subjected to oxidation and waste which cause costs and profit losses. Wineemotion eliminates these problems completely by turning waste into profit.

Wine dispenser system

Besides using inert gas to preserve wine against oxidation, Wineemotion uses the exclusive ISOL-PLUS system which preserves aroma and scents, keeping the bottles isolated from one another and the wine for up to 30 days.

Portion control
Wine dispenser system

When staff serves wine, your profit is reduced because you cannot accurately control the serving dose.
Thanks to its technology Wineemotion offers levels of precision that can be programmed and repeated in time.